Hello Hollywood -Let's Talk About Movies- Host Marsha Casper Cook with Krysten Lindsay Hager 03/03
Hello Hollywood -Let's Talk About Movies- Host Marsha Casper Cook 03/03 by Marsha Casper Cook | Entertainment: Michigan Avenue Media Podcasts will be changing it up a little to have some spring fun! The show is live but will be on demand and itunes after the live show is over. Open discussions about Movies and Series that are popular and well written. One thing is for sure you'll have fun! Please join Marsha Casper Cook on March 3 2022 at 4EST 3CST 2MT 1PST when the discussion is about Movies and TV Series. Her guests for this week will be Jennifer Conner, and Krysten Lindsay Hager. for more info about the show http://www.michiganavenuemedia.com