Is It Spring Yet?

I am not prepared for this weather. I just came from a place where it got not colder than the 60’s and now I have to put on gloves and a coat everywhere I go. A coat? Seriously? Everyday? And I actually wear sweaters now. I forgot how much I hate wearing a coat inside stores and nothing’s worse than a hot heavy sweater under a coat when you come in from the cold and go into a chop that’s toasty and you begin to bake. I was putting up with this cold, but then winter decided to push me and add freezing rain to the mix. I dealt with the snow, but the ice thing is a whole other thing. It makes everything dangerous and it knocked off my freakin’ power for like, six hours. And everyone knows you can only keep the food in your fridge safe for four hours.

Maybe I’d be less bitter if the boots I needed hadn’t sold out. Or if the power hadn’t gone out during Brooke and Julian’s wedding on “One Tree Hill.” By the way, didn’t you expect her dress to be cuter considering she’s a designer? And what’s with Julian’s bangs?

They say the groundhog didn’t see his shadow so spring will come, but I look outside and am not so sure. I guess I don’t need spring to hurry up, but I’d at least like to make it to my mailbox without dying. I’m a simple girl with simple needs.


Kati said…
If it's any consolation, I saw a robin yesterday. That's a good sign, right?
Whoo hoo! Unless it was a robin who was suicidal. Then we're completely screwed.
Ugh, I think by February, everyone is ready for spring. Too bad we've got quite the thaw ahead of us in the Midwest...
I feel I should watch how I bad mouth winter or else summer will come on in a humid vengeance just to teach me a lesson ;)

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