
Showing posts from December, 2020

What's it like to date a pop star? Excerpt from In Over Her Head: Lights, Camera, Anxiety

  “Must be nice to have a hot pop star text you. Do you think he will contact you again?” Lila asked. If he doesn’t, then I’ll die and probably never leave my room again. “I hope he does. I’d be seriously bummed if I—” Get phone dumped, get blocked online, see he’s dating someone else. “Don’t hear from him again,” I said. “Does anyone else know he was the reason Zach got so mad at you when he walked in on Andrew trying to kiss you at the video premiere?” “No, Zach didn’t tell anyone. I feel like it’d be weird if I told people that’s what happened. Like they wouldn’t believe me and think I was making it up to get attention,” I said. “Yeah, I already heard a few people saying stuff.” My stomach dropped. “Like what?” “Huh? Oh…nothing major.” She gripped the steering wheel. “It’s impossible to find a spot on the street on a weekend.” I pressed her again, and she shrugged. “There’s a couple comments on his social media pages.” Pulling out my phone, I went to the video’s link online and ...

Finding Writing Inspiration When You’re Stuck at Home

Finding Writing Inspiration When You’re Stuck at Home